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Baby/Kids Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Olivie®

Baby/Kids Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Olivie®

Regular price $182.00
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Product Description

OLIVIE BABY/KIDS is an extra virgin olive oil specially adapted for babies and kids. It has a very low acidity level (0,1-0,2 degrees) when bottled, and a fruity and mild taste, made with your children in mind. For these reasons, it is recommended to babies, from 2 months and up, and children of all ages.

OLIVIE BABY/KIDS is the only pure nutritional supplement, 100% natural, which allows better growth of your children and improves their bone development, while also strengthening their immune system.

The linoleic and linolenic fatty acid ratios present in this olive oil is equivalent to that present in the maternal milk (during the breastfeeding period). The linoleic acid (LA-Omega 6) and linolenic acid (ALA- Omega 3) are essential fatty acids that are very important to a balanced nutrition of infants and children. These two fatty acids maintain a proper balance in the metabolism and constitute a major source of energy during the early years of life. They are present naturally in the breast milk but in smaller amounts in baby formula (baby bottle milk).

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